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Cash Seizure Solicitors | Victory for Kangs Solicitors Case


Cash Seizure specialist’s Kangs Solicitors are a firm who have experienced victory once again in a cash seizure case involving a substantial sum.

The applicant in this matter, Kent Police, seized a significant sum of cash from our client when he was intercepted at a UK port on his way to Europe.

Our client was initially arrested in respect of money laundering, but the Police discontinued action against our client as a result of the documentation we disclosed to them as part of the cash seizure proceedings.

Our client had provided various differing accounts in respect of the cash when initially arrested leading the Police to suspect the cash was recoverable for the purposes of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

We prepared two comprehensive written submissions providing a detailed account of the origin of the monies in support of an application for the release of detained cash under section 297(4) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.  An in depth forensic analysis of our client’s bank accounts and other financial documentation was conducted and all relevant documentation cross referenced within the final detailed written submissions.

A forfeiture hearing was fixed at the Magistrates’ Court, however after a full review of all the material served by us on behalf of our client the Police conceded that the cash seized was not recoverable and agreed to return the amount in full.

Our client was extremely pleased with the result, as the matter had been on-going for over 12 months and had caused great distress due to the amount of cash that had been seized. This case was conducted by Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors.

Should you require any advice regarding a Cash Seizure or similar matter,  please do not hesitate to contact us.

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