
Disclosure and Barring Service Victory | Kangs DBS Solicitors


Following the submission of detailed representations to Essex Police, they have decided not to disclose information on our client’s enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (‘DBS’) Certificate.

Background | Kangs Criminal DefenceTeam

Kangs Solicitors were instructed to represent a health care professional in relation to information the Police wanted to include on his enhanced DBS certificate.

The information related to an allegation of theft of large sums of money from an elderly patient.

The allegations came to light when, following the death of the elderly patient, his family members noticed numerous cheques had been made payable to our client and subsequently cashed.

Our client was arrested and, despite providing a full account, was charged with theft.

Subsequently, our client faced a Court Hearing at Basildon Magistrates’ Court, which was discontinued against him for lack of evidence.

Route to Success | Kangs Pro-active Criminal Defence Team

Despite the allegations dating back some eighteen years, and the discontinuance of the court proceedings,  Essex Police sought to include the information on our client’s DBS certificate on the basis that it was alleged to be relevant to his continued work within the health care sector involving looking after other elderly patients.

The case presented a number of difficulties, including the fact that our client, had at one time, been charged with theft.

Kangs Solicitors drafted detailed and extensive submissions challenging all aspects of the disclosure notice.

This successful appeal concludes a long and difficult period for our client and he is now looking forward to continuing his career as a health care professional.

Following the successful appeal, our client said:

‘Can I take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your assistance in thismatter.’

What is a DBS? | Kangs Solicitors for DBS

For further information, please see our previous article:

How Can We Help? | Kangs Criminal Defence Solicitors

If you seek to challenge the content of your DBS Certificate, then please contact Steven Micklewright of Kangs Solicitors.


Steven Micklewright
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

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