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Delighted Client | Custodial Sentence Suspended

Delighted Client | Custodial Sentence Suspended

KANGS successfully obtained a suspended custodial sentence order on behalf of a client convicted at Cardiff Crown Court for possession of significant amounts of Class A and Class B drugs with intent to supply.

Mohammed Ahmed of KANGS briefly explains how this outcome was achieved for our delighted client.

The Circumstances

During a search of our client’s vehicle, the Police found a large amount of Class A and Class B Drugs which were seized and subsequently identified as Cocaine, MDMA and Ketamine.

The mobile phone seized from our client evidenced the supply of drugs and that our client was trusted to purchase wholesale amounts of Class A drugs from ‘upstream’ suppliers and handle substantial quantities of cash.

The Prosecution alleged that our client held a significant role within the Organised Crime Group.

How We Assisted Our Client

By way of preparation of our client’s case for court, the Team at KANGS, amongst other things:

  • examined all the material served by the Prosecution,
  • attended upon our client, obtaining detailed instructions, and advising upon his position and the appropriate course to adopt,
  • drafted a comprehensive Basis of Plea, setting out our client’s actual role in the offending,
  • collated all available evidence,
  • obtained Witness Statements and Character References as part of the mitigation to be presented to the Court,
  • identified and instructed experienced counsel appropriate to represent our client at court.
  • conducted detailed negotiations with the Prosecution with the result that the Basis of Plea, which had originally been rejected, was accepted.

The Successful Outcome | Custodial Sentence

At the Sentencing Hearing, persuasive mitigation was presented on behalf of our client including the fact that he faced a bright future if he was offered a ’second chance.’

Having taken such mitigation into serious consideration, the Judge sentenced our client to two years custody, suspended for two years, with requirements to comply with various conditions.

Naturally, our client was extremely overwhelmed with emotion and delighted with the result of a suspended custodial sentence achieved on his behalf by the Team at KANGS.

Following the Sentencing Hearing our client stated:

Mr Ahmed (Moh) from KANGS Solicitors handled my case. I cannot recommend his services enough; he really did make a miracle happen. Moh delivered exceptional legal services with utmost professionalism and skill. Definitely a tactically brilliant Lawyer worth every penny!

We Can Help You

At KANGS we understand the pressure faced by clients when faced with allegations of criminal misconduct of any nature and the attention to detail and commitment each client will require in the pursuit of the most successful outcome available.

If you are facing an investigation in respect of a criminal investigation of any nature, it is essential that you seek immediate expert legal advice. If we can be of assistance, our Team would be delighted to hear from you, contact us using the details below:

Tel:       0333 370 4333


We provide an initial no obligation consultation from our offices in London, Birmingham, and Manchester. Alternatively, we provide initial consultations by telephone or video.

Mohammed Ahmed

Mohammed Ahmed

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Helen Holder

Helen Holder

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Sukhdip Randhawa

Sukhdip Randhawa
Legal Director

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