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Alleged Affray | England Cricketer Acquitted


Kangs Solicitors are regularly instructed by high profile sports personalities in both criminal defence and sports law departments.

Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors comments on the acquittal of England cricketer Ben Stokes who was charged with affray.

The Circumstances | Kangs Serious Crime Solicitors

The Prosecution charged Stokes with affray following an altercation outside a Bristol nightclub last year.

Stokes admitted spending the evening drinking after England had played a one-day international against the West Indies, but denied having committed any offence given that he was simply defending himself and others from attack.

As part of their case the Prosecution alleged that Stokes acted in an anti-gay manner towards Kai Barry and William O’Connor by flicking cigarette butts at them and mocking their walks.

However, they maintained that Stokes only stepped in to save them from being attacked by two bullies saying ‘We are convinced we would have been beaten up if it wasn’t for Ben. He stood up for us’.

The Crown Prosecution Service now faces criticism on a number of issues arising from the failed prosecution including:

  • the decision to transfer a “low level” case to the Crown Prosecution Service’s Headquarters in London.
  • the decision to charge Stokes with an Affray and not Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm. The Prosecution unsuccessfully attempted to add the assault charges in the midst of the trial.
  • the failure to charge other individuals at the scene

The Crown Prosecution Service denies attempting to elevate the case because of Stokes’ standing as an international cricketer.

Stokes was immediately restored to the England squad for this coming Saturday’s Test Match.

How Can We Help? | Kangs Sports Law Team

Kangs Solicitors have many years experience defending cases investigated and prosecuted by all the major prosecuting authorities.

If you are a private individual, business, sole trader, partnership or company, we are here to assist you manage your contact with the prosecuting authority and advise you on any criminal proceedings involving serious criminal offences.

We understand the gravity of any reputational damage caused by such allegations.

Who Should I Contact? | Kangs Criminal Defence Solicitors

Our team of solicitors, which has a proven track record in defending people charged with serious criminal offences, can be contacted through the following:

Hamraj Kang
020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

Suki Randhawa
0121 449 9888| 020 7936 6396

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